A step towards sustainability 

First off, congrats on choosing wooden toys over plastic  ones for your little cherub. You have played a significant  role in saving this planet even while entertaining your  curious little kiddo. 

Wooden toys are timeless treasures that can even be  passed down across generations. In addition to being  eco-friendly and durable, wooden toys are also an  excellent means of developing fine motor skills in children. 

Why is it necessary to clean wooden toys? 

Toys can be carriers of germs and can easily spread  communicable diseases, if you are not careful. It is  recommended that your baby’s favourite toys are washed  at least once a week. 

Naturally anti-bacterial material 

The best part about building a wooden toy collection is  that wood is naturally anti-microbial. So gifting kids a  wooden train set or wooden blocks is a great deal safer  and a lot more fun. There are no harmful substances  produced or used in the crafting of wooden toys. Cleaning  wooden toys is therefore a pretty simple process. 

How to clean wooden toys? 


Just using a soft, dry cloth to wipe off grime ensures that  wooden toys are clean and free of dust particles. Regular 

dusting of wooden toy blocks and other wooden toys will  also help identify splinters and other potentially hazardous  loose parts. In cases where wooden toys have become  rather rough to touch, it is important to sand the affected  area gently. This guarantees that the wooden toy remains  safe to play with. 


Babies often use their mouth to hold toys and wooden  toys are no exception. Wooden toys may look worn out  after a while but the good news is that wooden toys can  look as good as new with a simple polishing routine.  Replenish the natural moisture of wood by wiping down  wooden toys with olive oil or coconut oil or food grade,  non-toxic beeswax. 

How to disinfect wooden toys? 

Gentle cleaning 

If you would like to deep clean your baby’s wood toys,  please avoid using harsh chemicals or other popular  disinfectants. Wooden toys should never be left to soak in  soap mixes or even water. 

The easiest way for thoroughly cleaning wooden toys is to  wipe down toys using a washcloth that has been dipped in  a mild solution of soap and water (preferably in a 1:4  ratio). Using dish soap or castile soap is a great idea for  cleaning wooden toys. 

If the toys are large in size, use a spray bottle that is filled  with the cleaning solution.

If there are too many wooden toys to be cleaned, it would  be better to fill the kitchen sink with the cleaning solution  for a quick dip. However, do not leave the wooden toys  inside the sink for more than one minute. Dip all the  wooden toys together and drain immediately. 

How to clean wooden rat toys and wooden hamster toys? 

If your little one has carried her favourite wooden rat toy  or wooden hamster toy during a visit to the hospital, it is  imperative that the wooden rat toy or the wooden hamster  toy is disinfected to avoid spread of germs. Thankfully  there are simple, natural ways to disinfect wooden toys.  Cleaning wooden toys with vinegar is safe and effective  for disinfecting wooden toys organically. Use a solution of  white vinegar or apple cider vinegar diluted in water,  preferably in a 1:4 ratio. 

Sun drying 

It is extremely important to ensure that wooden toys are  completely dried after being cleaned. Moisture content not  only damages the colours of wood toys, it also causes  formation of mould on the wood. Dampness leads to  warping as well. The best way to dry wooden toys would  be to depend on good old solar energy. However, wooden  toy train sets and Melissa and Doug wooden toys must  not be exposed to harsh sunlight. Just dry the wooden  toys in a well-lit area of your play room or home. 

If sun drying is not an option, make sure to wipe your  wooden toys dry with an absorptive cloth immediately 

after disinfecting wooden toys. Alternatively, you could  dry the cleaned toys under the fan. 

How to clean wooden train sets? 

As popular YouTuber, John the Toy Shop Guy suggests,  there is a simple trick to clean grimy wooden train sets.  Instead of using diluted soap solution, one could use an  eraser quite effectively to get rid of the stains and grime.  Rub the buildup using the eraser and watch it disappear  completely. Blow it dry and your wooden train set is good  to play with again. 

How to store wooden toys? 

Safe storage 

Always store wooden toys in well-ventilated, cool places  to avoid decay due to humidity and moisture. Wooden  toys must not be exposed to direct sunlight. Neither  should wooden toys be kept near radiators or fireplaces.  You can prevent warping and cracking of wooden toys by  storing them in an aerated toy chest or on shelves where  there is ample circulation of air. 

How to clean painted wooden toys? 

Restoring wooden toys 

It is a great idea to inspect your collection of wooden toys  regularly to ensure that your baby has attractive toys to  play with. After dusting the toys, use a sandpaper to  gently smoothen rough edges or surface imperfections if  there are any. If there are any cracks in your toy, apply a  generous amount of wood filler within the cracks. Smooth  the wood filler down with a spatula before allowing it to 

dry. Sand the treated area lightly to achieve an even  texture. 

Repainting wood toys 

You could apply a coat of natural oil or an eco-friendly  varnish to restore the fresh look of wooden toys. You  could also include your older kids in the fun by getting  them to repaint the wooden toys with child-friendly acrylic  paint. Allow the paint to dry completely and now you have  a brand-new toy ready to keep your little ones absorbed in  healthy play. 

Repairing wood toys 

If there are loose parts in your wooden toys, use a good  quality wood glue to fix the parts. Spread the glue evenly  and affix the loose part. Wipe away excess glue. Allow it  to dry for at least 24 hours before taking the wooden toy  out to play. 

Strict no-no’s 

Do not attempt to dry wooden toys quickly using heaters  or hair dryers. This could lead to splitting of the wood. Air  drying is always the safest option. Avoid using harsh  chemicals for cleaning toys as they are not only toxic for  babies, but they could also cause cracking and  discolouration of wooden toys. Do not use sanitisers to  clean wooden toys. 

How to clean second hand wooden toys? 

Unlike plastic toys, wooden toy blocks, wooden toy  animals and wooden toy train sets are more than mere  playthings. They can be part of your family legacy if 

maintained properly. Wooden toys that were played with  by one generation of kids can easily be used by the  following generation as well. One can also opt to buy  preloved wooden toys as part of the initiative to reduce,  reuse and recycle. 

Treasuring wooden toys 

Having been crafted with attention to detail, wooden toys  are special and can become precious heirlooms, if  handled carefully. Forget about scratches though because  a well-used toy is a sign of a happy childhood!